On the point of knowing yourself, I've been working on that on myself... As Michele Nevarez said in an interview with me, it generally takes more than a lifetime to do that. So, WIP. Also I think "doing the homework" needs to mean more than skim-reading some wikipedia page. It means HARD work. On the second point, of self-censorship, I was moved by Marr's recognition of the boredom he felt. It's as though self-censorship has the effect of removing the enjoyment of life...

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For sure, I know some who steer away from any discussions regarding news headlines because of the division and anger from those who may not agree. I myself will join in conversation if I’m familiar with the topic at hand and the different perspectives. Only then would I feel confident enough to share my thoughts.

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The tricky part is listening without judgment when sometimes you may not understand or agree with the other people speaking. How to bring up contrarian perspectives or nunaced questions without feeling alienated or alienating?

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Yes, that very true. Respect for the conversations, listening without judgment like you mention is a great reminder and takes practice and can be difficult. If it can be accomplished, it may set the tone for a healthy conversation despite the differences. Why not dive right in and ask the question...with being mindful of the delivery and tone of the question? If it seems like it’s starting to turn sour, then maybe best to transition to a lighter subject. 😁

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