It’s unfortunate there is an overload of misinformation shared from media personal, analysts, representatives, etc. Imagine then the dialogue that can occur if the facts were shared by all groups, rather then their own twist, religious beliefs, personal views, and anger.

Where does the change begin? I believe it starts with each one us. Less judgement of others regardless of religious belief and affiliations. The power of kindness - “has power to change lives in ways we may never know”

Our political world, the Left and the Right, is so divided, maybe they need to all attend a “team camp”. An education camp of how to brainstorm respectfully regardless of their differences and beliefs and come together to put rules in place for less chaos while keeping up with culture and our ever changing times.

I believe it starts with respecting each other’s views. Especially religious views. Why not learn and grow from each other? If my best friend, who grew up as a Catholic, and later in life shared, she no longer believed in God, and I do, am I going to dismiss her because of her beliefs and my beliefs?

Our world is filled with different beliefs and upbringings and experiences. So much to try and understand and try to solve. If only kindness can spread like “Covid” did, maybe peace would be begin to spread within our world.

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Yes, there's a surfeit of information and plethora of uninformed opinions out there, Denise!

On the concept of creating a "team camp," this is a critical point. However, I feel that the notion of 'team' will need to be clearly defined... If we are talking about membership to a nation, on the one hand, there are many people who feel that the concept of a nation is passé. On the other hand, we seem to struggle to establish a shared meaning of what any nation stands for (from within). Without agreeing to our team -- much less its aspirations and values -- I believe it will be difficult to get people to congregate.

I'd like to react to your point about respecting each other's views. Respect is an interesting term. When we meet someone, we have no basis for respect (we don't have any attributes or prior knowledge on which to base it). I believe it is most important we must come to the encounter (with a stranger e.g.) with an openness to listen and learn, without judgement. I think that to expect respect -- especially when the two sides are far apart -- is a tall order since we have no established history on which to base that respect. But by entering into a reasoned exchange that is less about convincing and pontificating and more about exchanging and understanding the perspective of the other side, we can come to a place of respect...

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Maybe an invitation to a “team camp” begins with a survey to specific groups (Leaders) with a few titled subjects. Based on the response, then an invitation to the groups for those who wish to attend, with hopes to transform not to inform can begin.

We have lots to learn from the experience of men and women through the ages. Much to discover but you are right Minter in that it begins with listening and learning and maybe starting with the definition of respect, “regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others.”

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