Minter this is such a great article! I will refer back to as your raise so many great points!! It’s definitely a distraction! I found I have unplugged from the TV, news etc and refer to to my phone for news updates and WOW, there is a lot going on in this world. I find I’m brought to it for several reasons...as part of my profession, it’s good to stay up to date on technology, etc and also helps to provide creativity for marketing. Also, staying connected to my children, family and friends. Reading your article from my phone...there are many positive, interesting, enlightening apps, programs to follow and even that provides distraction from jumping from one thing to another. So many things to take in and at some point, the balance is so important to have. I often remind myself the importance for down time. Helps bring awareness for keeping positive and the importance of harmony, which begins with me.

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I would be highly hypocritical if I said I didn't use my phone a lot. Indeed many useful apps. I also love my Apple Watch. Given the news cycle, I feel that it's hard not to want to stay up to date. Yet it is (a) so filled with negatives and (b) tends to have a significant bias. One of the biggest challenges for me has been to curtail my curiosity (a nose for rabbit holes) to link it to what is essential as opposed to "nice to have/know."

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